AFC – Anti-Fog Coatings
Other anti-fog coatings are tacky to the touch and mark easily and have generally not been widely accepted by the market. Our AFC lenses have a glossy and durable finish with excellent Anti-fogging performance.
Home | Industries | Ophthalmic Cleaning & Coating Systems
Since its inception, Shyre has sought to redefine the forefront of dip coating technologies within the ophthalmic industry, developing and manufacturing cutting-edge dip coating and cleaning equipment, to deliver our comprehensive range of leading coating processes.
Our team of experienced engineers and technicians have decades of experience in the industry, and our commitment to quality and innovation has earned us a reputation as one of the leading suppliers of dip coating and cleaning technology.
We have an extensive range of products, from our basic cleaning and dip coating systems to our advanced photochromic coating systems. We strive to provide the best quality solutions to our customers, and our products are designed to meet the highest standards of safety and performance.
Other anti-fog coatings are tacky to the touch and mark easily and have generally not been widely accepted by the market. Our AFC lenses have a glossy and durable finish with excellent Anti-fogging performance.
Solvent retention features unique to the Shyre range: triple coil reflux cooling, vapour break, 150% freeboard, (with optional auto top-up and solvent monitoring on the larger systems) – ensure that systems are safe and comply fully with environmental and safety legislation.
Automated solutions with precision results, the PC200 provides a range of production options and adaptive for a number of configurations on request.
Automated solutions with precision results, the PT200 provides a range of production options and adaptive for a number of configurations on request.
Shyre Precision Cleaning Machines are the leading choice for industry professionals looking for reliable and efficient cleaning solutions. The Aqueous Cleaning System provides high performance tool cleaning and lens stripping applications.
Shyre Precision Cleaning Machines are the leading choice for industry professionals looking for reliable and efficient cleaning solutions. Our Strip and Rinse Unit provides high performance ultrasonic tool cleaning and lens stripping applications.
Shyre Benchtop Ultrasonic Baths provides high performance tool cleaning and lens stripping applications. Designed for consistent results with digital accuracy.
Got a question about our products and solutions? Get in touch today.
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